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Report a scam

We’ll pass the information you give us to organisations that can take action, for example Trading Standards. They might use it to help stop other people getting scammed.

You don’t have to give your name if you don’t want to, but you do need to give us a way to contact you.

If while reporting this scam to us you need help please tell us here. The information you can provide about what happened will help us provide advice to you so please include as much detail as you can.

If you’re reporting a scam that happened to someone else, use your own contact details. We’ll get in touch with you if we need any more details from them.

You can read our privacy policy if you want to know more about what we’ll do with your data.

About the scam

Where did you first see the scam?
Please enter a value
When did it happen? If you lost money, put the date you sent the money. If not, put the date you saw the scam. Day entered is not in month Please enter the month as a number, or the first three letters of the month
If you sent money, how did you send it?
Please enter the amount - you can use £ signs, but no commas.
For example: your bank, the website you were scammed on
Do you have any evidence? For example emails or bank statements. If you do, organisations like Trading Standards might contact you for more details.

Trader or company details

Give as many details as you can about who scammed you, - organisations like Trading Standards might be able to investigate. They won’t find out who reported them.

Please enter a value

Your contact details

We’ll need at least one way to contact you. We also need your postcode so we can contact the right local branch of Trading Standards.

Please enter an Email or phone number
Please enter an Email or phone number
Please enter a value
Would you like an adviser from Citizens Advice to contact you? We can help you try to get your money back and tell you how to protect yourself from future scams.
How would you prefer to be contacted? If you ask for more advice, or we need more information from you.