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Section 1 of 4

Your details

All information marked with an asterisk * is mandatory. The information provided will only be used to answer your query or help resolve your complaint.

Anon is acceptable

(Please include the full area code)

Your complaint or enquiry *

Section 2 of 4

Trader details

If you are making a complaint about a trader, please use this section of the form to supply all relevant details. You may not have all of the information listed below - just fill in what you do know.

(This could be a company name or the name of an individual - Declined is acceptable)

(Please include the full area code)

Section 3 of 4

Purchase details

Have you paid for goods or services from this trader? *


If yes, you will be asked a series of questions about this purchase

If no go to section 4


If you are unsure of the exact date please provide as much information as you can

Have you contacted the trader about this complaint?


If you are unsure of the exact date please provide as much information as you can

Section 4 of 4

Thank you for completing this form. Consumer Direct will use the information provided within this form to answer your query or help resolve your complaint.

Click 'SUBMIT' to send the form to Consumer Direct.

Click 'CLEAR' to start again with a blank form.

Please note that 'CANCEL' will close the form. Any information you have entered will be deleted.

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