All information marked with an asterisk * is mandatory. The information provided will only be used to answer your query or help resolve your complaint.
Title: * Choose your title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr
First name(s) or initials: *
Last name: * Anon is acceptable
Town or city:
Telephone number:
(Please include the full area code)
Email address: *
Please use the box below to outline your complaint against a trader or your general enquiry. Please include all relevant information - you are limited to 2250 characters and may not send attachments as paperwork is not considered at this stage of your complaint. Failure to provide sufficient details may mean we are unable to provide clear, practical advice.
If you are making a complaint about a trader, please use this section of the form to supply all relevant details. You may not have all of the information listed below - just fill in what you do know.
Name of trader: *
(This could be a company name or the name of an individual - Declined is acceptable)
Trader's website address:
Trader's email address:
Have you paid for goods or services from this trader? *
Yes No
If yes, you will be asked a series of questions about this purchase
If no go to section 4
What was the total amount paid for the goods or services? * £
How did you pay for the goods or services? * Please select from this list Cash Credit Card Not Paid Not Disclosed Debit Card Hire Purchase Other Credit (not Hire Purchase) Deferred Credit Cheque Banker's Draft Postal Order Escrow Account Text Message Direct Debit PayPal Store Vouchers Other
What type of purchase was it? * Please select from this list Trader Premises Auction Internet Auction TV Auction / Interactive Sale Telephone Internet Mail Order Unsolicited Postal Unsolicited Telephone Unsolicited Fax Unsolicited E-Mail Market Stall Tradefair / Exhibition Boot Sale One Day Sale / Mock Auction Doorstep Uninvited Doorstep Invited Street Canvasser Street Seller Party Plan Transport fare - purchased at time Continuous Purchase - Subscription Private Purchases / Sale Other
What was the date of the purchase? * If you are unsure of the exact date please provide as much information as you can
Have you contacted the trader about this complaint?
If yes, on what date did you contact the trader? * If you are unsure of the exact date please provide as much information as you can
Please use the box below to outline the trader's response to the complaint, if any: *
Please let us know how you heard of Consumer Direct *
Please select from this list TV advert TV article Local newspaper advert Local newspaper article National newspaper advert National newspaper article Magazine advert Magazine article In a store / shop Radio advert Radio article Leaflet through door Addressed mail Friend / family recommendation Citizens Advice Bureau A stand at a local show/shopping centre etc. BT Phone Book Yellow Pages Thomson 118 118 Other telephone directory service Community talks Website/internet search I called Trading Standards Outside advertising (posters/billboards) Washroom advertising Used CD before Other Don't know
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